The Grace campus will be closed Tuesday, January 21 and Wednesday, January 22 due to hazardous winter storm conditions.
The next Men's Life Breakfast will be on Wednesday, February 5, at 6 a.m., at Grace. Dennis Turnipseed will speak about how the decision to devote his life to service for Jesus Christ and His kingdom gave him ferocious purpose and fullness of life. He will weave that into the "talent and trades" program he has developed at the Eyes on Me ministry and how it can be adapted to Friends of Westchase's ministry to Paul Revere Middle School, offering a magnificent opportunity for service for Grace's men.
Step into Grace Presbyterian’s Men’s Life Group, where brotherhood is alive and well, welcoming men of all ages to unite in faith and friendship. Come be a part of the journey as we make connections, exchange insights, and grow together in faith and purpose. Men's Life meets the first and third Wednesday of each month. Doors open at at 6 a.m. and we meet in Massey-Tucker Fellowship Hall. Breakfast will be served! Morning will start promptly at 6:15 and we will end by 7:30 a.m.
It will be a great morning! Come join us! Contact Pastor Aaron Hansz with any questions.