Practicing the Way (02-09-25)
Grace Weekly
Click Read More to view the most recent Grace Weekly that has the Top 3 ministry happenings for the weekend as well as other news and ways to get involved in all ministry areas.
An exciting new opportunity is available to expand your practice of generosity as many others have in conjunction with The 5:10:5 plan.
Lunch is Served
On Sunday, February 23, join us for Student Sunday and Lunch is Served--the annual fundraiser for Student Mission Trips. Registration is open!
2025 Women's Retreat
Join us for a fun overnight getaway in Galveston, Friday and Saturday, March 28-29, at the beautiful San Luis Resort! Our guest speaker will be The Rev. Anna Kent, and we'll be led in worship by Iv...
Mission Trip Sign-Up
Grace is extending the love of Christ to the ends of the Earth this spring. Visit the table in the lobby on Sundays for the life-changing details.
PCHAS Easter Baskets
Provide an Easter Basket to a family being helped by Presbyterian Children's Home and Services. Pick up your basket on February 9 or 16.
VBS Registration
Registration will open on April 1 at 10 a.m.Vacation Bible School will be June 9-12.
Ash Wednesday
Mark the start of the Lenten season by joining in worship Wednesday evening, March 5, at 7 p.m., in The Founders’ Chapel.
We WORSHIP to glorify God as a community centered around Jesus. We hear God’s Word through Scripture, preaching, music and prayer and respond to God’s teaching by being a light for Him wherever we go. Worship is vital to being a devoted follower of Jesus.
We EQUIP our Grace family of all ages and our neighbors to learn about and experience a life of discipleship - following Jesus. We do this through learning, small Disciple Groups and programs reflective of who He wants us to be. Disciples equipped to make disciples.
We SERVE to make a spiritual and personal impact on those we are called to help. We strive to ensure those around us are touched by Grace and led by God. Locally and globally, we spread His love and care with our missionary partners through service, prayer and financial support.
In Matthew 18:20, Jesus said, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am among them.” We believe in the power of community as we engage and invest to live into faithful ministry as a church family and His children. Sharing life and growing in Christ together.