Young Adults

"But now that you have come to know God, or rather be known by God, how can you turn back?" Galatians 4:9

Welcome to the Young Adult Ministry at Grace Presbyterian Church! Here at GPCH Young Adults, we are dedicated to making known the love of Jesus by sharing both the good news and our everyday lives. GPCH Young Adults exists to connect relationally to college and young professionals (ages 19-35 years) both single or married within the West Houston area. Our desire is for young adults to have a safe place where thy can grow to know Jesus, be known in a deep community, and know themselves better.

I am a College/Young Adult and Want to Get Connected

Fill out the Connect Card!

Are you single or married between the ages of 19-35 looking for a community to connect with others and grow in your faith? You’re invited to join us for fellowship and Bible Study at g4: Known, our weekly college/young adult together group. We meet on Monday nights at 7:00 p.m. in MT-208 on the 2nd floor!


  • When: Mondays
  • Time: 7:00-9:00 pm
  • Where: Room MT-208 (2nd floor)
  • Announcement: We will not meet Monday, April 21st

G4 Game Night:

  • Join us for a great time of fellowship at our g4 Game Night! We are gonna be bringing back all the classic games such as guitar hero, mario karts, uno, and so many more!
  • Date: Monday, March 24th
  • Time: 7:00-9:00 p.m.
  • Where: Room MT-207 (2nd floor)

For more information or to get plugged in, contact Kaylie Baudin at

HCC Campus Outreach:

  • Date: TBD
  • Time: TBD
  • Where: HCC-Alief Hayes

For more information on volunteering, contact Kaylie Baudin at

Want to get a reminder of what GPCH Young Adults are up to? Follow us on Instagram: @gpch.youngadults or click on our linktree.