Given the financial reality we are in, the Session has recently adopted what we are calling The 5:10:5 Plan. These steps will allow Grace to be in the black in five years, and allow us to fulfill God's mission to make disciples by equipping every generation to share both God's good news and their everyday lives. As we implement The 5:10:5 Plan, we ask everyone to prayerfully discern taking the next right step.
For the first step, we are asking you, the congregation, to go before the Lord and discern increasing giving by 5%, which, for example, would mean a person giving a yearly gift of $5000 would add an additional $250 for the year. For example:

The second part of the plan is a 10% increase in people who give, whether individuals or family units. This increase would be measured when new covenant partners and guests start giving for the first time, or if current partners are not giving regularly, we are hoping they will start.
The first two steps will be repeated each year for five years. After five years, we hope that you will have grown in your trust of the Lord and will have deepened your Discipleship journey. We are truly grateful for this collective effort to continue to do God's will with the gifts He has given us.
More details about The 5:10:5 Plan can be found by watching Pastor Julia's presentation from April 7 HERE. You may fast forward to the 36 minute mark to hear her remarks.
If you have already made a pledge and would like to add 5%, or if you have not made a pledge before and would like to make that commitment, visit the Grace pledge page HERE.