Women’s Ministry


Our Women’s Ministry is a very vibrant part of the Grace family and there are a variety of opportunities for women of all ages. Become part of a community where we build relationships, serve together and experience the fullness of Christ as we explore His Word and His calling in our lives. Whatever age or stage you are in life, or in your faith journey, there is welcoming community here. 

Women of Grace

Meets monthly September-May

The Women of Grace meet in five small groups called “circles” where they connect in fellowship and draw closer to God by studying His Word and live it out by reaching the community through mission projects.


Meets Weekly

Inspire! There are two opportunities to join a small group, in the morning or evening, no matter what your life stage. The focus of our studies is to disciple women to live fully in the love of God, pray, and support one another as we allow the gospel to transform us where we live, work, and play. 

Grace Moms

Meets Weekly

Our Grace Moms Bible studies meet in the fall, spring, and summer to share different Biblical or topical studies each season. Join by season or by year as we gather together to share life as a mom of littles and the Word of God. There are two options: morning (with childcare) and evening. 

Women of Grace News

Better Together

Come and enjoy fellowship and lunch with those who have journeyed the path of grief. Learn from one another and be uplifted with joy.

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Lily Dedications

Easter Lily dedications are a beautiful way to remember or honor loved ones. The online dedication form is available through April 14.

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2025 Women's Retreat

Join us for a fun overnight getaway in Galveston, Friday and Saturday, March 28-29, at the beautiful San Luis Resort! Our guest speaker will be The...

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