

Welcome to Grace Student Ministries! We would love to get to know you and see you at any of our events so we can grow toward Jesus together. Here at Grace, we believe it is important for all students to feel welcomed and encouraged to be their authentic self, no matter where they are in their walk with Jesus. This ministry is designed for 6-12th grade students!

If you're interested to know more, contact dbaudin@gpch.org or lkay@gpch.org, or follow us on Instagram at gpch.students!

If you're looking for a link/registration/something, it's most likely on this linktree!

Student Ministries Associates

It was the summer of 2021 when I joined Grace as a Summer Student Ministries Intern, since then I graduated from Baylor University and am now working as a full time Student Ministries Associate for Grace! 

In my Grace intern application, I wrote that part of what I wanted from the internship was clarity on whether I should pursue ministry as a long-term goal or not. God is so good to answer my prayer and it's so exciting to know that I get to continue in the mission to create authentic Christian community among our students, leaders, staff, and community as a whole! 

My family is from Georgia, but I’ve had the chance to live in a few different states growing up. Now, I am happy to call Texas home! When I'm not hanging out with Grace students, you can find me reading a book or sprinting around a tennis court! 

I was born and raised in Houston and have spent my entire life at Grace, where my parents (Traci and Earl) have been members since 1991. I attended Grace School, Houston Christian High School, then went to Baylor for college. I originally pursued a major in Journalism/Broadcasting, but Jesus began to lead me toward ministry, so I switched my major to Religion with a focus on Practical Studies. In May 2020, I graduated from Baylor and began working at Grace as a Student Ministries Associate!

I love sports (of any kind), Chick-fil-A, and listening to music. I love spending time with my family and friends along with meeting new people! I am a firm believer that Jesus can use anyone’s story to impact others, and I love hearing how Jesus is working in peoples’ lives.  I am so excited to continue serving the church that has served me so well my entire life!

Students News

Second Saturday Serve

Join us on campus or off on the second Saturday of the month to bless our community partners in lots of fun ways! Next date is March 8!

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An exciting new opportunity is available to expand your practice of generosity as many others have in conjunction with The 5:10:5 plan.

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Lent & Easter at Grace

All of the events of Holy Week in one place. Click now for full details of all the special services and events.

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