Grace Weekly - Serve

Second Saturday Serve

Second Saturday Serve is a once a month, come-as-you-are, intergenerational, short service opportunity in the Welcome Center or out in the community. Join us for an hour or two and make a difference in someone’s life. Watch the Grace homepage and Grace Weekly email for project details each month. For more information, please contact Tammy Box.

Friends of Samburu Garage Sale

April 2-5 (Wednesday thru Saturday).
12214 Fieldsboro Drive, Houston

Friends of Samburu, Kenya holds two charity garage sales each year, one in the Spring and one in the Fall. They are currently accepting unwanted/unneeded items for the sale. They are also seeking volunteers to help run the sale, and setting up and tearing down is always a huge effort. If you are not able to work the sale, you may also prepare lunch for the volunteers and/or provide a case of bottled water. This year they are fundraising for an eye glass clinic for a remote village, help dedicate a dining hall, and interact with the student bodies at three different schools. 

Contact Margaret Ellis if you can help out!


MENtorUP is a wonderful opportunity for Grace men to pour into the lives of Westchase-area middle school (and some high school) young men. We started this beautiful ministry last Spring, meeting our youth on the basketball court, and now that relationships are established, we are ready to go deeper with the students and we need you to help model and teach important life skills, explore career pathways and help our mentees experience opportunities in life that will help shape dreams!  To get involved, contact Kristy Elmore today.

Hurricane Helene Recovery Mission Trip

As you recall, Hurricane Helene devastated the area of Asheville, North Carolina on September 27, 2024. Please consider joining Grace's Disaster Response Mission Trip on May 5-9 to assist their rebuilding efforts. Our team will be partnering with World Renew and traveling to Asheville before heading up into a more rural area to help families restore their homes. The trip will cost $400 which includes airfare, lodging, ground transportation, and most meals. For more information, please contact Tom Lee or Kristy Elmore (713-267-5035). Scholarship support is available. Thank you for considering this mission opportunity.

Fe Maya Guatemala Mission Trip

Please prayerfully consider joining the Grace en Español mission team as we travel to San Bartolo, Guatemala, to serve through Fe Maya, March 6-12! We will be painting a classroom, working to prepare the campus, spending time with the families and children, and celebrating all the Lord is doing to bring Christian education and love to this small, rural town in the highlands of Guatemala. For more information or to sign up to serve, please contact The Rev. Francisco Garibay, or stop by the table in the Sanctuary lobby on Sundays to learn more about this trip and others planned this year. We will have details on upcoming trips, information sessions, trip dates, costs, everything you need to know to plan a life-changing trip in 2025!

Living Water International Mission Trip

Join us for a life-changing mission trip to The Dominican Republic, March 30-April 3! We will once again partner with Living Water International to help repair water wells in the Dominican Republic. Please prayerfully consider joining in LWI’s mission to demonstrate the love of God by helping communities acquire desperately needed clean water, and to experience “living water”—the gospel of Jesus Christ—which alone satisfies the deepest thirst. For more information or to sign up to serve with the team, please contact Amy Wisniewski, or stop by the table in the Sanctuary lobby on Sundays to learn more about this trip and others planned this year. We will have details on upcoming trips, information sessions, trip dates, costs, everything you need to know to plan a life-changing trip in 2025!

Spring Up for Westchase Luncheon

Save the date and make plans to join us for the Spring Up in Westchase Spring Luncheon on April 11 as we celebrate and raise funds to support the mission and ministry of Friends of Westchase in our local HISD schools with youth and in area apartments. The lunch will also honor Grace Covenant Partner Susan Jernigan, longtime mentoring leader. Watch this page for complete details or visit the Friends of Westchase page for available sponsor and underwriter opportunities HERE.

Mission Trip Sign-Up

Grace is on the move in 2025. You are invited to participate in any of the trips planned for this Spring. It is no cliché to say that your life will be changed as much those you will be serving.


The Grace en Español mission team will travel to San Bartolo, Guatemala, to serve through Fe Maya March 6-12! We will be painting a classroom, working to prepare the campus, spending time with the families and children, and celebrating all the Lord is doing to bring Christian education and love to this small, rural town in the highlands of Guatemala. The team will be commissioned Sunday, March 2, and we ask that you keep them covered in prayer throughout their trip.


Join us for a life-changing mission trip to The Dominican Republic, March 30-April 3! We will once again partner with Living Water International to help repair water wells in the Dominican Republic. Please prayerfully consider joining in LWI’s mission to demonstrate the love of God by helping communities acquire desperately needed clean water, and to experience “living water”—the gospel of Jesus Christ—which alone satisfies the deepest thirst. For more information or to sign up to serve with the team, please contact Amy Wisniewski, or stop by the table in the Sanctuary lobby on Sundays to learn more about this trip and others planned this year. We will have details on upcoming trips, information sessions, trip dates, costs, everything you need to know to plan a life-changing trip in 2025!


The next mission trip to Samburu county, Kenya, will be from June 14-30. Join Friends of Samburu in holding an eyeglass clinic for a remote village, dedicate a dining hall, and interact with the student bodies at three different schools. This is a trip you won't easily forget! Full commitment is needed by February 28. For more information or to express you interest, you may also contact Margaret Ellis, or stop by the table in the Sanctuary lobby on Sundays to learn more about this trip and others planned this year. We will have details on upcoming trips, information sessions, trip dates, costs, everything you need to know to plan a life-changing trip in 2025!

As you recall, Hurricane Helene devastated the area of Asheville, North Carolina on September 27, 2024. Please consider joining Grace's Disaster Response Mission Trip on May 5-9 to assist their rebuilding efforts. Our team will be partnering with World Renew and traveling to Asheville before heading up into a more rural area to help families restore their homes. The trip will cost $400 which includes airfare, lodging, ground transportation, and most meals. For more information, please contact Tom Lee or Kristy Elmore (713-267-5035). Scholarship support is available. Thank you for considering this mission opportunity.