Grace Weekly - Worship

Sacraments & Sundaes

Sunday, April 6, 12:15 p.m., MTH-B 

All kids and their parents are invited to join us for a special class that will explain the sacraments of baptism and communion in a very practical, hands-on way. The $5 lunch includes nuggets, sides, and sundaes. While designed especially for children in kindergarten through fifth grade and their parents, children and students of any age are welcome to attend with their families. Click HERE to register. 

Ash Wednesday

Mark the start of the Lenten season by joining in worship Wednesday evening, March 5, at 7 p.m., in The Founders’ Chapel.

The Ash Wednesday service is a beautiful time of reflection and meditation on our mortality, sinfulness, and need for a savior. As we renew our commitment to daily repentance in the Lenten season and in all life, we will be led by beautiful music, readings, and reflections to remember with confidence and gratitude that Christ has conquered death and sin. Ash Wednesday worship is a powerful testimony of our union with Christ. The service will include the imposition of ashes.


As we begin this new year, we are presented with another opportunity to live differently, sharing our lives and the gospel just as Jesus did.

While we often say, “together we take the next right step,” the “together” part is truly meaningful. When we share our lives and God’s blessings, we accomplish more than we could alone. Going before the Lord as part of The 5:10:5 Plan, a few families felt a specific calling from the Lord, and discerned a desire not only to give generously to the work God is doing here at Grace, but also to invite others to join them in this effort.

These families have pledged to provide a match up to $300,000 for all operating fund gifts given to Grace in excess of our current 2025 target of $2,800,000. You can find more details about this generous gift below:.

•Our current expected operating collection for 2025 is $2,800,000 which was also our approximate collection in 2024.

•Once the actual collected 2025 revenue reaches this goal of $2,800,000, any additional giving beyond that amount will be matched dollar-for-dollar, up to $300,000.

•This matching opportunity aligns with The 5:10:5 Plan. As individuals or families contribute more than they did the previous year, those additional dollars will move us closer towards earning the match. This ensures that your contribution will go farther, as it will help earn the match.

•We will track our progress towards earning the match based on our actual collections through the year.

You are encouraged to prayerfully consider God’s continued movement in your life. If you’ve never given before, perhaps this is the moment to take your first step. If you are already giving, we are deeply grateful for your ongoing generosity. And as we all have the opportunity to respond to the 5:10:5 invitation in our giving this year, to prayerfully increase our year over year giving by 5%, and to invite new people to join us, let’s do so knowing that we are together in our efforts. You may make your pledge or adjust your current pledge online HERE.

Lunch is Served

Come and join us for Student Sunday and Lunch is Served, on Sunday, February 23! It is a Sunday where students take over all of worship, leading our congregation in a joyful noise and gathering in honor of our God. After the service, the students help hold a lunch/auction that funds our summer mission trips. Service is 9:30-10:45 a.m. Lunch and auction is 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

We are excited to welcome you to Lunch is Served 2025! Your generosity last year has already cut the cost by HALF for our students to attend this year's mission trips--thank you!

This year, our middle schoolers will be traveling to Waco, partnering with Mission Waco, while our high schoolers will be traveling to San Antonio, partnering with Blueprint Ministries. While the middle schoolers will be doing homeless ministry, our high schoolers will be getting to know homeowners as they restore locals' roofs to livable conditions. 

For the February 23 lunch auction, we will be taking all who choose to join on a road trip through our great state of Texas with yummy food, games, and more. Our students and volunteers will take care of the lunch prep as you peruse and bid on our silent auction items, such as trips, themed baskets, and dinner nights! Sign up for one of our fun party opportunities and play our exciting raffle games! Your support is so appreciated, and we can't wait to see you there! Let us know that you will be on hand for lunch by registering HERE!

Students: setup will be done on Saturday, February 22. 

Grace812 Tuesdays

Through Easter (April 20), we will be studying the doctrine of grace (what it is, where it comes from, why we need it), as well as The Beatitudes and how to live the principles taught within them. 

What is Grace812?
We are a community of people with a desire to establish a meaningful relationship with God, gathering to share a meal and conversation about our spiritual journey and learning how to live the life God intended for each of us!

What is Grace812 about?
Grace812 is church done differently! All of us, at one time or another, have been faced with challenging life events. In these times, Grace812 is here to help us recover from trials as we trudge through the journey to a deeper life. Our help is because of THE GIFT of Grace from God. Our foundation is built upon THE TRUTH, the teachings of Jesus in the eight Beatitudes from the Bible. THE PATH is an intentional discipleship road map allowing us to live life fully.

When is Grace812?
Every Tuesday evening at Grace, in MT101

5:45 p.m. Doors open and community meal
6:20 p.m. Contemplative service
7:30 p.m. Step Bible study, Al-Anon Parent Group, other recovery meetings, small groups, and Bible studies. 

You are welcome for ANY part of the night!

For more information, drop us an email or call 281-800-8555.

The 5-10-5 Plan

Given the financial reality we are in, the Session has recently adopted what we are calling The 5:10:5 Plan. These steps will allow Grace to be in the black in five years, and allow us to fulfill God's mission to make disciples by equipping every generation to share both God's good news and their everyday lives. As we implement The 5:10:5 Plan, we ask everyone to prayerfully discern taking the next right step.


For the first step, we are asking you, the congregation, to go before the Lord and discern increasing giving by 5%, which, for example, would mean a person giving a yearly gift of $5000 would add an additional $250 for the year. For example:


The second part of the plan is a 10% increase in people who give, whether individuals or family units. This increase would be measured when new covenant partners and guests start giving for the first time, or if current partners are not giving regularly, we are hoping they will start.


The first two steps will be repeated each year for five years. After five years, we hope that you will have grown in your trust of the Lord and will have deepened your Discipleship journey. We are truly grateful for this collective effort to continue to do God's will with the gifts He has given us.

If you have already made a pledge and would like to add 5%, or if you have not made a pledge before and would like to make that commitment, visit the Grace pledge page HERE.