Grace Weekly - Together

Better Together

Join us every fourth Monday at La Madeleine for lunch dedicated to widows, offering a warm atmosphere to share stories and build new friendships. We find that with our life experiences that we are better together. 

Psalm 30:5b tells us "weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning." Join with us on the fourth Monday of the month at 11:30 a.m., at la Madeleine, 10001 Westheimer Rd., Suite 2123.

Lunch is Served

Come and join us for Student Sunday and Lunch is Served, on Sunday, February 23! It is a Sunday where students take over all of worship, leading our congregation in a joyful noise and gathering in honor of our God. After the service, the students help hold a lunch/auction that funds our summer mission trips. Service is 9:30-10:45 a.m. Lunch and auction is 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

We are excited to welcome you to Lunch is Served 2025! Your generosity last year has already cut the cost by HALF for our students to attend this year's mission trips--thank you!

This year, our middle schoolers will be traveling to Waco, partnering with Mission Waco, while our high schoolers will be traveling to San Antonio, partnering with Blueprint Ministries. While the middle schoolers will be doing homeless ministry, our high schoolers will be getting to know homeowners as they restore locals' roofs to livable conditions. 

For the February 23 lunch auction, we will be taking all who choose to join on a road trip through our great state of Texas with yummy food, games, and more. Our students and volunteers will take care of the lunch prep as you peruse and bid on our silent auction items, such as trips, themed baskets, and dinner nights! Sign up for one of our fun party opportunities and play our exciting raffle games! Your support is so appreciated, and we can't wait to see you there! Let us know that you will be on hand for lunch by registering HERE!

Students: setup will be done on Saturday, February 22. 

G4 Young Adults Gathering

G4 is Grace's weekly Young Adults Gathering. It is an opportunity for young adults at Grace and in West Houston to be in community with other young adults while digging into the Bible and seeing how it speaks explicitly to this unique season of life.

Where: Every Monday night in the in the high school room (MT 207) at 7 p.m. 

Who: It is made up of single and married young adults, ages 19-35.

How you can help:

First, Getting the Word Out!
This gathering is still in it's infancy--please, pass this on to any local young adults you know!

Second, Volunteer!
If you have a heart for this demographic, please consider volunteering!

To volunteer, or for more information, contact Jordan Goodie.

Discover Grace

Discover Grace is a reception-style gathering designed for folks, like you, that are newer to Grace. It is an opportunity to meet with Pastor Julia, other staff, and deacons and to get know church through conversation. Light refreshments and drinks will be provided. Just visit the Connections Table immediately following the end of the worship service and you're in!

Other receptions are scheduled throughout the year.

Covenant Partner Course

The new Covenant Partner Course is for all who are interested in learning more about Grace’s key theological beliefs and the vision, the mission, and the strategy. The course is led by pastors, elders, deacons, and staff and it is our unique way of talking about membership in a congregation. During the course, you will be invited to explore how joining as a “Covenant Partner” is a significant next step in your journey of faith in Jesus. Refreshments and drinks will be provided.  If you have children, Children’s Ministry offerings will be provided from 11 a.m. to noon and then childcare will be provided until 1 p.m. When you register for the course, you will be asked to register your child for childcare. 

Watch this space for the date of the next course!

Al-Anon Meeting for Parents

Alcohol and drug abuse, along with the misuse of other things such as food, is increasing in teens at an alarming rate. As their child spirals out of control, parents are confused and frightened. We understand the chaos that disrupts the entire family, and are here to help.

Join us for support, understanding, and a solution--whether your child is 13 or 30. "Fear will be replaced by faith, and gratitude will come naturally as we realize that God is doing for us what we cannot do ourselves."

Come yourself and invite a friend who needs this help. We meet on Tuesday evenings from 7:30 - 8:30 at Grace. The meeting is a part of the recovery night at Grace. It starts with a community meal at 5:45 p.m., followed by a worship service "doing church differently" at 6:15 p.m., and then various meetings and small groups at 7:30 p.m. Come to one part of the night or to all of them!

Contact Michelle Feagin for information: 713-248-0372.

2025 Women's Retreat

Join us for a fun overnight getaway in Galveston, Friday and Saturday, March 28-29, at the beautiful San Luis Resort! Our guest speaker will be The Rev. Anna Kent, and we'll be led in worship by Ivy Castle Simpson and Yunyoung Na. Women of all ages will be refreshed during this time of fellowship, discipleship, and learning. 

NOTE: When registering, you will ONLY be charged the $100 conference fee. Payment for your room will be handled with the San Luis Resort at check-in.

Register HERE!

VBS Registration

VBS registration will open Tuesday, April 1, at 10 a.m.

Save the dates for the best week of the summer, June 9-12!

Live It Out—Discover how to love like Jesus! Click here for more information.