Come and join us for Student Sunday and Lunch is Served, on Sunday, February 23! It is a Sunday where students take over all of worship, leading our congregation in a joyful noise and gathering in honor of our God. After the service, the students help hold a lunch/auction that funds our summer mission trips. Service is 9:30-10:45 a.m. Lunch and auction is 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
We are excited to welcome you to Lunch is Served 2025! Your generosity last year has already cut the cost by HALF for our students to attend this year's mission trips--thank you!
This year, our middle schoolers will be traveling to Waco, partnering with Mission Waco, while our high schoolers will be traveling to San Antonio, partnering with Blueprint Ministries. While the middle schoolers will be doing homeless ministry, our high schoolers will be getting to know homeowners as they restore locals' roofs to livable conditions.
For the February 23 lunch auction, we will be taking all who choose to join on a road trip through our great state of Texas with yummy food, games, and more. Our students and volunteers will take care of the lunch prep as you peruse and bid on our silent auction items, such as trips, themed baskets, and dinner nights! Sign up for one of our fun party opportunities and play our exciting raffle games! Your support is so appreciated, and we can't wait to see you there! Let us know that you will be on hand for lunch by registering HERE!
Students: setup will be done on Saturday, February 22.