Letters to the Church: Laodicea: Lukewarm Faith (11/8/20)
Letters to the Church:Philadelphia: Patiently Endure Despite Weakness (11-1-20)
Letters to the Church: Thytira: Don
Letters to the Church:Sardis: Reputation - Outwardly Alive; Inwardly Dead (10/18/20)
Letters to the Church: Pergamum: Don
Letters to the Church: Smyrna-Stay Faithful (World Communion 10/4/20)
Letters to the Church: Ephesus-Return to Your First Love (9/27/20)
Practicing the Way: Lent 2025
Practicing the Way: Live Like Jesus
Songs of Advent
Hebrews: The Supremacy of Christ
Rest Beyond Labor Day
Our Disciple-Shaping Values