Grace Men's Life invites you to its free-of-charge luncheon at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday March 19, in the Molly Ann Smith Building. Registration is available HERE. Dennis Turnipseed will explain how he came to see the truth that God used service as an opportunity for him to obediently help others, of course, but also as an essential, powerful and mysterious element in his own spiritual transformation.
Dennis' career played out like a dream-come-true for a talented, energetic and ambitious alpha male. With his degree in accounting in hand, he launched his ascent up the corporate ladder as an auditor at the most prestigious CPA accounting firm at the time, Arthur Andersen. He then unleashed his abilities, acumen and ambition for the world's glories by working at seven different corporations, private and public, with astonishing increases in responsibilities and rewards at each, from Controller to Vice President to Chief Financial Officer and finally to the gold ring, Chief Executive Officer. Then, 10 years ago (in an account as mesmerizing as it is shocking), God directed Dennis into full-time ministry to the most at-risk and underserved youth in the Houston-Brookshire areas as the Executive Director of Eyes on Me.