Grace812 Worship Service

Calendar / Grace812 Worship Service

Tuesday, April 1, 2025 @ 5:45 PM



Discover the Grace of God - THE GIFT

Grow in Faith through the Bible - THE TRUTH

Live life to the fullest in Community - THE PATH

What is Grace812?

We are a community of people with a desire to establish a meaningful relationship with God, gathering to share a meal and conversation about our spiritual journey, and learning how to live the life God intended for each of us!

What is Grace812 about?

Grace812 is Church done differently! All of us, at one time or another, have been faced with hard life events. In those times Grace812 is ready to help you with your recovery from those events as you begin your journey to a better life. Our help is built upon THE GIFT of Grace from God, the teachings of Jesus in the 8 Beatitudes from the Bible, THE TRUTH, and a discipleship road map, THE PATH to live life to the fullest.

6:00 p.m. Community gathering with food and music

6:25 p.m. Grace 812 led by Pastor Aaron Hansz

7:30p.m. Your choice of small group Bible Study or various Recovery Meetings 

You are welcome for ANY part of the night!


Welcome Center


Aaron Hansz

(281) 800-8555
